Genesis2023 Software
On 1st February 2023 we released our latest version of our Genesis Software package.
For the last few years we have been updating our software to use the Softtech V6 3.8 version. This will allow us to stay at the forfront of all development from the software company aswell as from their sister company Cyncly.
Unlike other Systems Companies we have full inhouse development of our software database package and so we are able to constantly rewrite and improve the software with the option of completely changing the look and feel as we go or add new systems without having to rely on an IT company to act as a go between.
We first looked at the Softtech V6 package In 1997 and during this time and based on customer feedback we have rewritten it from the floor upwards three times. We use the software ourselves inhouse to support customers and all of our Estimators and customers provide input on how the software should run and so we have extensive knowledge of our own Comar Architectural Aluminium Systems which allows us to produce a solid and accurate software package tailored to feedback from the industry.
New Comar systems are always available to price as they are released into the market and should we need it we have full backing of a Softtech who are our base software supplier.
if you are interested in an online Demo of our software then please contact and we will arrange a suitable time